Happy New Ear Event

Open Source Photo by Elizabeth Abernathy, Flickr

"Happiness is real only when shared" Using these words, we decided creating this event. As our poor ears keep listening to a variety of sound pollution everyday, noise & even same music. So, we decided to allow our ears to notice other features in life. Everyday we'll choose a certain musical theme & share 3 links for it together, you may wait for our daily message on your facebook inbox containing listening online links, you may find them on the event's wall,or on the musical archive on the discussion board of our facebook group.. Now sit back, relax & let your ears celebrate the happy new "EAR" ..!!
Samples of Music We shared:

:::: Eddie Vedder ::::
1. Hard Sun
:::: Elvis Pressley ::::

2.Big Boss Man

3.It's Midnight

:::: Mohammed Abd El-Wahab ::::

Facebook Event ::: Click Here
Official Music Tracks Archieve ::: Click Here

Thank You..